03 June 2011

What do you think about a female incarnation of the Doctor?

Have you ever thought about the Doctor as a female after the next regeneration?
I don't know if that's possible but come on he's a Timelord so why not change into a woman. And I guess he could be ginger as well then. That looks better on women than on men in most cases anyway.
You can't deny that it would bring an interesting twist to the story and there would be some hot male companions then. Nothing against Rory as a male companion but you can't say that he is especially hot. He is more cute in a cuddly way.
You can argue that the Doctor has always been a male and should stay a male but come on why not exchange the roles. Well, if you don't want to have a female Doctor for a whole series then think about what it would be like to have a body changing episode or something like that. I really think that would be quite funny to see the normal behaviour of the Doctor in a female and the other way round.
Anyways I would be happy to hear your opinion on this theme so leave a comment or vote in my poll which should be up for around two weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I'd really like to have a female Doctor for a whole series...I've grown too used to the Doctor as a male it would be like a close friend getting a sex change. Ha ha. But I do think the idea of an episode where he switches to a female body somehow has it's merits.
