26 June 2011

Doctor Who Music

Music plays a big part in Doctor Who and makes the episodes much more interesting. Can you imagine an episode of Doctor Who without music?
It's really cool I think when you can spot some music you already know, like the Doctor's theme or the themes of his companions. My all time favourite of the companion's themes is still Martha's. I can't say why but I really love it.
The theme for Donna fits perfectly and the one for Rose is really beautiful. I can't remember Amy's right now but I think I like that one, too. Is there a theme for River? I don't know but I think she would deserve her own music.
I'm still in love with the Tenth Doctor's theme and the song about Gallifrey. By the way the song for Captain Jack from Torchwood is great as well.
The episodes of Doctor Who would be missing something without the music. Sometimes you can understand a scene just because of the music and you always know if it's dangerous or funny or something else. The music is just beautiful, also without seeing the episode where it is in and I can listen to it quite often without getting bored.

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