22 August 2011

Quotes from "New Earth"

Today I start with quotes from series 2 and therefore some from the Tenth Doctor era.

Rose: So where we going?
The Doctor: Further than we've ever gone before.

Rose: Can I just say, traveling with you, I love it.
The Doctor: Me too!

The Doctor: Strictly speaking it's the fifteenth New York since the original. So that makes it New, New New New, New New New New New New, New New New, New, New York. (Rose stares at him) What?
Rose: You're so different.
The Doctor: New New Doctor.

The Doctor: Nice place. No shop, downstairs. I'd have a shop. Not a big one--just a shop. So people can shop.

Rose: What about the skin? I saw it. You got ripped apart.
Cassandra: That piece of skin was taken from the front of my body. This piece is the back.
Rose: Right, so you’re talking out of your ar...
Cassandra: ...ask not.

Novice Hame: (about the Face of Boe) I can hear him singing sometimes. In my mind. Such ancient songs.
The Doctor: Am I the only visitor?
Novice Hame: The rest of Boe-kind became extinct long ago. He’s the only one left. Legend says that the Face of Boe has watched the universe grow old. There’s all sorts of superstitions around him. One story says that just before his death, the Face of Boe will impart his great secret. He will speak those words only to one like himself.
The Doctor: What does that mean?
Novice Hame: It’s just a story.
The Doctor: Tell me the rest.
Novice Hame: It’s said he will talk to a wanderer… a man without a home… a lonely God.

Matron Casp: Primitive species would accuse us of magic. But it’s merely the tender application of science.
The Doctor: How on Earth did you cure him?
Matron Casp: How on New Earth, you might say.

Cassandra (in Rose): The Sisterhood are up to something. Remember that Old Earth saying? Never trust a nun. Never trust a nurse. And never trust a cat.

The Doctor: When you took your vows, did you agree to this?
Novice Hame: The Sisterhood had sworn to help.
The Doctor: What? By killing?
Novice Hame: They're not real people. They're specially grown. They have no proper existence.
The Doctor: What's the turnover, hmmm? Thousand a day? Thousand the next? Thousand the next? How many thousand? For how many years? How many?!?

The Doctor: If they live because of this, then life is worthless.
Novice Hame: But who are you to decide that?
The Doctor: I'm The Doctor. And if you don't like it, if you want to take it to a higher authority: there isn't one. It stops with me.

The Doctor: Hold on, I can understand the bodies, I can understand your vows. One thing I can't understand, what have you done to Rose?
Novice Hame: I don't know what you mean.
The Doctor: And I'm being very, very calm. You wanna be aware of that, very very calm. And the only reason I'm being so very, very calm is that the brain is a delicate thing. Whatever you've done to Rose's head, I want it reversed.

Cassandra (in Rose): Over the years, I thought of a thousand ways to kill you, Doctor. And now that's exactly what I've got. One thousand diseases.

Cassandra (in the Doctor): Goodness me, I'm a man. Yum! So many parts! And hardly used... ah.. ah! Two hearts! Oh, baby, I'm beating out a samba!
Rose: Get out of him.
Cassandra (in the Doctor): Ooh, he's slim. And a little bit foxy. You've thought so too. I've been inside your head...You've been looking... you like it!

The Doctor: You were supposed to be dying.
The Face of Boe: There are better things to do today. Dying can wait.

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