03 July 2011

Amy's abduction

I think most of the Who Fans out there have seen the first half of series 6 now and I can talk about Amy's abduction without spoiling the episodes for you.

Have you also asked yourself when the hell Amy was abducted?
I think it's hard to say when exactly it happened but it must have been before the episode "Day of the Moon" because that is the first time Amy sees the eye-patch lady. We now know that she sees her only because she lies in this - how would you call it - container thing and her consciousness is inside her Ganger and the eye-patch lady looks inside there and causes some interference in the psychic link.
I can't remember right now if the Doctor scanned Amy for pregnancy in the "Impossible Astronaut" but I think it was in "Day of the Moon" and he got this strange readings. That is also a sign for Ganger Amy.
Maybe her abduction was still earlier between the Christmas Special and "The Impossible Astronaut". We still don't know exactly how she was abducted and I don't really know if it was the eye-patch lady or if she had help from someone else. Maybe the Silence helped her. Who knows?
Something else I find puzzling is, how they have known about Amy's pregnancy? They must have monitored her somehow but then it's the question again, how they have done that?
We got some answers in "A Good Man goes to War" concerning River but I think Steven Moffat has given us more new questions to consider than answers.

Tell me your thoughts about all of this when you like and I would be happy when you vote in my new poll concerning Amy's abduction.

1 comment:

  1. well I remember Amy saying telling the Doctor that she was pregnant in The Impossible Astronaut, and then later denying it in Day of Moon, so it was probably in between then!
