09 May 2011

Quotes from "The End of the World"

Here are some quotes from "The End of the World" which I really like.

Cassandra: (repeated line) Moisturize me!

The Doctor: You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs, or beef, or global warming, or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you survive. This is the year Five billion...and today is, hold on...This is the day the sun expands. (grins) Welcome to the end of the world

(A jukebox is wheeled out)
Cassandra: And here, another rarity. According to the archives, this was called an "i-Pod." It stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers. Play on!
(Soft Cell's "Tainted Love" starts to play)

The Doctor: You think it'll last forever. The people, and cars, and concrete. But it won't. Then one day it's all gone. Even the sky.

Jabe: Perhaps a man only enjoys danger when there's nothing else left. When you came aboard my scanners identified your species. It's remarkable you even exist.

Jabe: Then stop wasting time...Time Lord.

The Doctor: Everything has its time and everything dies.

The Doctor: There was a war. And we lost. I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. I'm left travelling on my own cause there's no one else.

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