30 May 2012

Quotes from "The Stolen Earth"

I'm close to the end of series 4 now with my quotes but there is still one more episode after "The Stolen Earth".

The Doctor: Excuse me, what day is it?
Milk Man: Saturday
The Doctor: Saturday. Good, good I like Saturdays.

Jack: Gwen, Ianto. You okay?
Ianto Jones: No broken bones. Slight loss of dignity. No change there, then.

Rose: She can't hear me. Have you got a webcam?
Wilfred Mott: No, (Sylvia) wouldn't let me. She said they're naughty.

Harriet Jones: I thought it was about time we all met, given the current crisis. Torchwood, this is Sarah Jane Smith.
Jack: I've been following your work. Nice job with the Slitheen.
Sarah Jane Smith: Yeah, well, I've been staying away from you lot. Too many guns.
Jack: All the same, might I say, looking good, ma'am.
Sarah Jane Smith: Really? Ooh...
Harriet Jones: Not now, Captain.

Harriet Jones: Harriet Jones. Former Prime Minister.
Dalek: Yes, we know who you are.
Harriet Jones: Oh, but you know nothing about any human, and that will be your downfall.

The Doctor: You were destroyed, in the very first year of the Time War at the Gates of Elysium. I saw your command ship fly into the jaws of the Nightmare Child. I tried to save you.
Davros: But it took one stronger than you. Dalek Caan himself.
Dalek Caan: I flew into the wild and fire. I danced and died a thousand times.

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