02 May 2012

Quotes from "Silence in the Library"

Today you get quotes from the first River Song episode "Silence in the Library".

The Doctor: The Library. So big it doesn't need a name, just a great big "The".
Donna: It's like a city!
The Doctor: It's a world. Literally; a world. The whole core of the planet is the index computer; biggest hard-drive ever, and up here, every book ever written. Whole continents of Jeffrey Archer, Bridget Jones, Monty Python's Big Red Book. Brand new editions, specially printed.

The Doctor: I love biographies.
Donna: Yes, very you. Always death at the end.
The Doctor: You need a good death. Without death there would only be comedies.

The Doctor: Almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark, but they're wrong... because it's not irrational.

Professor River Song: Whatever came here's long dead
The Doctor: Bet your life?
Professor River Song: Always.

The Doctor: (as Miss Evangelista's consciousness fades away) She's a footprint in the sand and the tide's coming in.

The Doctor: Ah! I'm thick! Look at me, I'm old and thick, head's too full of stuff. I need a bigger head!

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