05 December 2011

Quotes from "The Shakespeare Code"

It is Monday again and today you get some quotes from "The Shakespeare Code".

Martha: Magic and stuff, that's a surprise. It's all a bit Harry Potter.
The Doctor: Wait till you read book seven. I cried.

Martha: (to Shakespeare) Your breath doesn't half stink!

The Doctor: Just think. When you get back, you could tell everyone that you've seen Shakespeare.
Martha: Yeah! And then I could get sectioned!

Martha: Expelliarmus!
The Doctor: EXPELLIARMUS! Good old J.K.!

The Doctor: How to explain the temporal flux...It's like Back to the Future.
Martha: What, the film?
The Doctor: No, the novelisation. Of course the film!

Shakespeare: How can a man so young have eyes so old?
The Doctor: I do a lot of reading.

The Doctor: All the world's a stage...you can have that one!

Shakespeare: This play must stop immediately!
Kempe: Everyone's a critic!

Lilith: Such sweet music shows your blood to be afire. Why wait beyond stale custom for consummation?
Wiggins: Oh, yes! Tonight's the night!

Shakespeare: (admiring Martha) Such unusual clothes. So... fitted...
Martha: Um, verily. Forsooth. Egads!
The Doctor: No, no, don't do that. Don't.

Shakespeare: To be or not to be... Ooh. That's quite good.
The Doctor: You should write that down.
Shakespeare: Maybe not. Bit pretentious?
The Doctor: Meh.

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