11 October 2011

SJA: The Curse of Clyde Langer, Part 1

Poor Clyde. That's really not fair what happened to him.

When Sky and Sarah Jane sit in Haresh's office in the school it suddenly starts to rain fish. The gang finds out that there are some totem poles in the museum and investigate them. Sarah Jane can't detect anything alien but Clyde touches the statue and gets a splinter in his finger. The next day, everyone turns against Clyde when they say his name and Clyde think he is cursed. He has nowhere to go to.

I don't know if this is a curse or if it's something alien but I feel a bit sorry for Clyde. He can be annoying from time to time but he hasn't deserved this. Sky seems to be the only one who isn't affected by the curse and I hope she will help Clyde to make everything right again. I liked the part with the fish raining from the sky. I hope they haven't killed innocent fish for that.
You can watch the episode online here.
The Curse of Clyde Langer, Part 1

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