06 February 2012

Series 1 Episode 8: Father's Day

The Doctor asks Rose where she wants to go and she tells him that she wants to see her father. They look at different episodes of her father's life before they go to the day where he dies. But Rose can't just let her father die and so she saves him. The Doctor is angry with her and storms away while Rose sees that her father isn't the hero her mother described. After the Tardis is turned into a normal phone box, the Doctor goes back to Rose and can save her and the wedding party from the appearing monsters but he has no plan how to defeat them. He knows there is a way but he doesn't want to go it. Can Earth be saved?

This episode is the first time that the Doctor is really angry with Rose but I think he is more angry about the fact, that he didn't see it coming when she asked that she wanted to see her father's last day. I think it's really sweet of him that he doesn't say how everyone can be saved because that would mean the death of Rose's father and he doesn't want to see her hurt. Because all of this Rose and her father are able to spend some time together and he can be the hero she always imagined him to be. The monsters are quite scary and really well made. They remind you a bit of a praying mantis. I liked the story about Rose's Dad because it gives her character a bit more depth and we know better why she decides to do this or that sometimes. The clothes and hairstyle of the time are ugly and funny at the same time but they add a great touch to the episode.

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