04 July 2012

Quotes from "The End of Time (1)"

Today you get some quotes from the first part of "The End of Time" from series 4.

The Narrator: It is said that in the final days of planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams. To the west of the north of that world, the human race did gather in the celebration of the pagan rite to banish the cold and the dark. Each and every one of those people had dreamt of the terrible things to come, but they forgot because they must. They forgot their nightmares of fire and the war and insanity. They forgot... except for one.

The Doctor: I'm going to die.
Wilfred Mott: Well, so am I one day.
The Doctor: Don't you dare.
Wilfred Mott: All right, I'll try not to.

The Doctor: I can still die, if I'm killed before regeneration, then I'm dead. Even then, even if I change it feels like dying. Everything I am dies. Some new man goes sauntering away. And I'm dead.

The Narrator: And so it came to pass that the players took their final places. Making ready the events that were to come. The madman sat in his empire of dust and ashes, little knowing of the glory he would achieve. While his savior looked upon the wilderness in the hope of changing his inevitable fate. Far away, the idiots and fools dreamt of a shining new future, a future now doomed to never happen. As Earth rolled onwards into the night, the people of that world did sleep... and shiver, somehow knowing that dawn would bring only one thing. The final day.

The Master: I had estates. Do you remember my father's land back home? Pastures of red grass, stretching far across the slopes of Mount Perdition. We used to run across those fields all days, calling up at the sky.

The Doctor: You can't come with me.
Wilfred Mott: Well, you're not leaving me with her.
Sylvia Noble: Dad!
The Doctor: Fair enough.

The Doctor: (about the TARDIS) Ah. Right. Yes. Bigger on the inside. Do you like it?
Wilfred Mott: I thought it'd be cleaner.
The Doctor: Cleaner? I can take you back home right now.
Wilfred Mott: Listen, Doctor. If this is a time machine, that man you're chasing, why can't you just pop back to yesterday and catch him?
The Doctor: I can't go back inside my own timeline. I have to stay relative to the Master within the causal nexus. Understand?
Wilfred Mott: Not a word.
The Doctor: Welcome aboard.
Wilfred Mott: Thank you.

The Master: I like you.
Joshua Naismith: Thank you.
The Master: You taste great.

(after transforming every human on Earth into himself)
The Master: The human race was always your favorite, Doctor. But now, there is no more. There is only... the Master race!

The Narrator: And so it came to pass, on Christmas Day, that the human race did cease to exist. But even then, the Master had no concept of his greater role in events for this was far more than humanity's end. This day was the day upon which the whole of creation would change forever. This was the day the Time Lords returned. For Gallifrey!
Time Lords: For Gallifrey!
The Narrator: For victory!
Time Lords: For victory!
The Narrator: For the end of time itself!
Time Lords: For the end of time itself!

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