11 January 2012

Quotes from "42"

More quotes from the third series and today they are from the episode "42".

Martha: Can’t you override the doors?
Orin: No. ‘Sealed closure’ means what it says. They’re all deadlock sealed.
The Doctor: So a sonic screwdriver’s no use.
Orin: Nothing’s any use. We’ve got no engines, no time and no chance.
The Doctor: Oh, listen to you! Defeatist before you even started! Where’s your Dunkirk spirit?

Riley: The oldest and cheapest security system around, eh, Captain?
Kath McDonnell: Reliable and simple. Just like you, eh, Riley?
Riley: Try and be helpful, get abuse. Nice.

Riley: Find the next number in the sequence: 313, 331, 367... what?
Martha: You said the crew knew all the answers!
Riley: The crew's changed since we set the questions.
Martha: You're joking.
The Doctor: 379.
Martha: What?
The Doctor: It's a sequence of happy primes. 379.
Martha: Happy what?
The Doctor: Just enter it!
Riley: Are you sure? We only get one chance.
The Doctor: Any number that reduces to 1 when you take the sum of the square of its digits and continually reiterate until it yields 1 is a happy number, any number that doesn't isn't, a happy prime is a number that's both happy and prime, now type it in! I don't know, talk about dumbing down. Don't they teach recreational mathematics anymore?

The Doctor: Martha, be careful. There may be something else aboard the ship.
Martha: Anytime you want to unnerve me, feel free.
The Doctor: Will do, thanks.

The Doctor: Humans! You grab whatever's nearest and bleed it dry. You should have checked! You should have check if it was alive!

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