03 September 2011

Torchwood: Miracle Day: The Gathering

After watching the ninth Torchwood episode, the first thing that came to my mind was: "What the hell is this and how long has it been there?" Stop reading now when you haven't seen the episode yet.

Two months after Jack was shot Torchwood is split up. Rex works for the CIA again, Gwen is back at home in Wales and Jack and Esther are hiding in Scotland. Gwen tries to hide her father but the authorities search her home. They don't find him but she is also under surveillance from unknown people. Rex knows there is a mole somewhere in the CIA but he doesn't know who he is so all his traces for the families lead to a dead end. Oswald finds Gwen and demands to talk to Jack, so he comes back and Oswald tells him what he knows about the miracle. Gwen's father is taken to the overflow camp and Torchwood splits up to travel to Buenos Aires and Shanghai to find out what the "Blessing" is.

I really like the episode and it had some great character moments. I don't know but I am not able to like Oswald. He is just creepy and I hate his mumbling voice. The same for Gilly. She sometimes gives my the creeps with her so perfect outside but you never know what she is like inside. It was good to see Gwen back with her family but Rhys feels a bit like a place holder at the moment. He is in the episodes but not really in the action and now he has to stay home again. Well, we know now what the blessing looks like but what the hell is it and how long has it been there? It could be something alien and I guess you have to ask yourself if earth is really just a stone in the universe or if it's something living. We will find out in the last Torchwood episode I guess. But the thing with Jack's blood at the end was quite cool. I hope it will be a great finale next week.
Watch the episode online here.
The Gathering

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