Strax: Say "ah."
Clara: Ahhh.
Strax: You didn't move your lips.
Clara: You're looking at my eye.
Strax: Oh. Oh yes, there we are. Easy mistake.
The Doctor: Look at the eyebrows! These are attack eyebrows. You could take bottle tops off with these!
Barney: They are mighty eyebrows indeed, sir.
The Doctor: They're cross. They're crosser than the rest of my face. They're independently cross. They probably want to cede from the rest of my face and take up their own independent state of eyebrows.
Madame Vastra: Spontaneous combustion.
Jenny: Is that like love at first sight?
Madame Vastra: A little. It is a theory that human beings can with little or no inducement simply explode.
Jenny: You don't need to flirt with me, we're already married.
Madame Vastra: It's scientific nonsense, of course.
Jenny: Marriage?
Madame Vastra: Hush.
Clara: "Egomaniac, needy, game-player"?
The Doctor: This could be a trap.
Clara: That was me?
The Doctor: Never mind that.
Clara: Yes, I am minding that!
The Doctor: Clara.
Clara: You were talking about me?
The Doctor: Clara, what is happening right now in this restaurant to you and me is more important than your egomania.
Clara: Nothing is more important than my egomania!
The Doctor: Right, you actually said that.
Clara: You never mention that again!
The Doctor: Uhh, no sausages. And there's no pictures. Do you have a children's menu? Any specials?
Waiter: Liver.
The Doctor: I don't mind liver.
Waiter: Spleen. Brain stem. Eyes.
Clara: Umm, is there a lot of demand for those?
The Doctor: I don't think that's what on the menu. I think we are on the menu.
The Doctor: Hello, hello, rubbish robots from the dawn of time, thank you for all the gratuitous information.
The Doctor: This is your power source, feeble thought it is. I can use it to blow this whole room if I see one thing that I don't like. And that includes karaoke and mime, so take no chances.
The Doctor: So tell me, what do you think of the view?
Half-Face Man: It is beautiful.
The Doctor: No, it isn't. It's just far away. Everything looks too small. I prefer it down there. Everything is huge. Everything is so important. Every detail, every moment, every life clung to.
Half-Face Man: I am not dead.
The Doctor: You are a broom. Question--you take a broom, you replace the handle, and then later you replace the brush and you do that over and over again. Is it still the same broom? Answer--no, of course it isn't. But you can still sweep the floor. Which is not strictly relevant, skip that last part.
The Doctor: This... is over. Are you capable of admitting that?
Half-Face Man: Do you have it in you to murder me?
The Doctor: Those people down there, they're never small to me. Don't make assumptions about how far I will go to protect them, because I've already come a very long way. And unlike you, I don't expect to reach the promised land.
Clara: I don't think I know who the Doctor is anymore.
Madame Vastra: It would seem, my dear, you're very wrong about that. Clara... give him hell. He'll always need it.
Clara: You've redecorated.
The Doctor: Yes.
Clara: I don't like it.
The Doctor: I'm not entirely convinced myself. I think there should be more round things on the walls. I used to have a lot of round things, I wonder where I put them.
The Doctor: I'm the Doctor. I've lived for over two thousand years, and not all of them were good. I've made many mistakes, and it's about time that I did something about that.
The Doctor: You can't see me, can you? You--you look at me, you can't see me. Do you have any idea what that's like? I'm not on the phone, I'm right here. Standing in front of you. Please, just... just see me.
The Doctor: I--I don't think that I'm a hugging person now.
Clara: I'm not sure you get a vote.
The Doctor: Whatever you say.
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