30 January 2012

Series 1 Episode 7: The Long Game

The Doctor, Rose and Adam land on Sattelite 5, which broadcasts many news channels to the Earth Empire. First they all think it is a fun trip into the future and Rose likes to show Adam around but soon they find out that something is wrong. Mankind is not as advanced as it should be and the whole thing with people being used to broadcast the news is strange for the Doctor. He also wonders about the promotion of some journalists to floor 500 from where they never return. Soon he takes a trip up there with Rose and they meet the Editor who controls the news. They are captured and are about to find out who really controls humankind but they won't like it? Can they save the day without Adam's help who is far too fascinated by the superior technology?

The episode has another dynamic than the episodes before because it is not only the Doctor and Rose who are travelling together but this time they have brought Adam as well. We soon find out that Adam is more interested in the new technology than what is happening around him and that doesn't make him a good companion. Rose and the Doctor have to save the day again and release mankind from slavery but this time they aren't able to do it alone and that is something what I like about this episode. Normally the Doctor always saves the people and this time he has to be saved. The Jagrafass is a great monster and Simon Pegg as the editor is brilliant. I think it's a fun episode even with the monster and it is the first one in which the Doctor leaves one of his companions behind. He has a good reason for it because I think you can't know what Adam would do when he is confronted with still more advanced technology.

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