30 January 2013

Quotes from "The God Complex"

Amy: "Let's go to Ravensgala," he says. "The people are 600 feet tall, you have to talk to them in hot air balloons and the tourist information center is made of one of their hats," he says. I'm sorry, but I don't see any huge hats.

Rita: Their pupils are dilated. They are as surprised as we are. Besides which, if it's a trick, it'll tell us something.
The Doctor: Oh, you're good. Oh, she's good. Amy, with regret, you're fired.
Amy: What?
The Doctor: I'm kidding. (whispers to Rita) We'll talk.

The Doctor: I take it from the pathological compulsion to surrender, you're from Tivoli.
Gibbis: Yes, the most invaded planet in the galaxy. Our anthem is called "Glory To Insert Name Here."

The Doctor: They're not doors, they're walls. Walls that look like doors. Dor-wals, if you like, or dwalls. Walds, even. You fully got it when you said they're not doors. I mean, windows are... right. Big day for a fan of walls.
Rita: It's not just that. The rooms have... things in them.
The Doctor: Things? Hello! What kind of things? Interesting things? I love things, ask anyone.
Rita: Bad dreams.
The Doctor: Well, that killed the mood.

Gibbis: Well, I was at work, I'm in town planning. We're lining all the highways with trees so invading forces could march in the shade. Which is nice for them.

The Doctor: So what have we got? People snatched from their lives and dropped into an endless shifting maze that looks like a 1980s hotel with bad dreams in the bedrooms. Apart from anything else, that's just rude.

The Doctor: Okay, this is bad. For the moment I don't know how bad. But it's certainly three buses, a long walk, and a taxi from good.

The Doctor: Hello, I'm the Doctor.
Joe Buchanan: You're going to die here.
The Doctor: Well, they certainly didn't mention that in the brochure.

Gibbis: Personally, I think you've got the right idea. Times like this, I think of my old school motto: "Resistance is exhausting."

Howie Spragg: I've worked out where we are.
Rory: Hmm?
Howie Spragg: Norway.
Rory: Norway?
Howie Spragg: See, the U.S. government has entire cities hidden in the Norwegian mountains. The Earth is on a collision course with this other planet and this is where they're going to send all the rich people when it kicks off.
Rory: Amazing.
Howie Spragg: Well, it's all there on the Internet.
Rory: No, it's amazing you've come up with a theory more insane than what's actually happening.

Amy: Whatever that is, it's not real, yeah?
The Doctor: No, no, I'm sure it isn't. But just in case, let's run around and hide anyway.

Rory: Every time the Doctor gets pally with someone, I have this overwhelming urge to notify their next of kin. (Amy notices him and he recoils) Sorry. The last time I said something like that, you hit me with your shoe. And you literally had to sit down and unlace it first.

Rita: You are a medical doctor, aren't you? You haven't just got a degree in cheese-making, or something?
The Doctor: No. Well, yes. Both, actually.

Gibbis: All I want to do is go home and be conquered and oppressed. Is that too much to ask?

Rory: You know, Howie had been in speech therapy. He'd just gotten over this massive stammer. What an achievement. I mean, can you imagine? You've forgotten that not all victories are about saving the universe. 

The Doctor: Why what?
Rita: Why is it up to you to save us? That's quite a God complex you have there.
The Doctor: I brought them here. And so it's their choice. But offer a child a suitcase full of sweets and they'll take it. Offer someone all of time and space and they'll take that, too. Which is why you shouldn't. Which is why grown-ups were invented.

The Doctor: Forget your faith in me. I took you with me because I was vain. Because I wanted to be adored. Look at you. Glorious Pond. The girl who waited for me. I'm not a hero. I really am just a madman in a box. It's time we saw each other as we really are. Amy Williams, it's time to stop waiting.

Amy: What's it saying?
The Doctor: "An ancient creature, drenched in blood of the innocent. Drifting in space through an endless shifting maze. For such a creature, death would be a gift." Then accept it and sleep well. (the Doctor starts to walk away) "I wasn't talking about myself."

Amy: Hey. So. You're leaving, aren't you?
The Doctor: You haven't seen the last of me. "Bad Penny" is my middle name. Seriously, the looks I get when I fill in a form.

28 January 2013

Series 4 Episode 8: Silence in the Library

The Doctor and Donna land on a planet that's a huge library. They wonder why nobody is there and when they ask a courtesy node, they find out that the library is locked. The node gives them a warning as well: "Count the shadows". Suddenly the lights go out and the Doctor and Donna run into a small shop with a sky light where they seem to be save from the shadows. Then other people arrive, which turn out to be archaeologists. With them is Professor River Song, who seems to know the Doctor but he doesn't know her. That is a bit of a shock for River but soon she has no time to think about it because the Doctor has found out what's hiding in the shadows. It's the Vashta Nerada, a small, flesh-eating alien race. They start to kill the members of the expedition and the Doctor tries to find a way out of the library. There is also the mystery of the little girl who thinks the library is a thing of her imagination and is really upset when suddenly people are in there. What will happen next?

I really like this episode although it's one of the scarier ones. It marks the first episode of River Song but at this time she's still a mystery to all of us. Alex Kingston plays her brilliantly and her interactions with David Tennant's Doctor are great as well. The Doctor doesn't know who she is but somehow he knows that he can trust her. It's so sad when Donna talks to the dead girl and tries to calm her down until the rest of her conciousness is gone. That's one of the saddest moments Donna is in. The Vashta Nerada are very scary aliens because you can't really see them and they can kill you in an instant. They've been in the library for such a long time already and they have learned to adapt to it and they are very hungry. This first episode of the two-parter is brilliantly written by Steven Moffat and you can just hope that everything will end in a good way.

27 January 2013

I hold you above everyone (video)

This is a great Jack&Ianto video which was made by xOnceEAgainx. I hope you like it, too.

23 January 2013

Quotes from "The Girl Who Waited"

The Doctor: Appalapachia.
Amy: Say it again.
The Doctor: Appalapachia. Appalapachia.
Rory: Appalapachia.
The Doctor: Appalapachia.
Amy: Appalapachia. What a beautiful word.
The Doctor: Beautiful word, beautiful world.

Amy: Have you seen my phone?
The Doctor: Your phone?
Amy: Yeah.
The Doctor: Your mobile telephone. I bring you to a paradise planet two billion light-years from Earth and you want to update... Twitter?
Amy: Sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades. It's a camera phone.
The Doctor: On the counter by the DVDs.
Amy: Thank you.

The Doctor: Ha ha! How do I look?
Rory: Ridiculous.
The Doctor: Glasses are cool, see? (puts them on Rory) Oh, yes. Hello, handsome man.
Rory: Oh, hello.

Future-Amy: And there he is, the voice of God. Survive, because no one's going to come for you. Number one lesson. You taught me that.
The Doctor: Is that really all I taught you?
Future-Amy: Don't you lecture me, Blue Box Man Flying Through Time and Space on Whimsy. All I've got, all I've had for 36 years, is cold hard reality. So no, I don't have a sonic screwdriver, because I'm not off on a romp. I call it what it is, a probe. And I call my life what it is. Hell.

Future-Amy: They look ridiculous.
Rory: That's what I told him. Still, anything beats a fez, eh?

Amy: You know when sometimes you meet someone, so beautiful. And then you actually talk to them and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick. And then there's other people, and you think, "Not bad, they're okay." And then you get to know them and--and their face just... sort of becomes them. Like their personality's written all over it. And they turn into something so beautiful.
Amy and Future Amy: Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met. 
Amy: Please... do it for him.
Future-Amy: Ah, you. You're asking me to defy destiny, causality, the nexus of Time itself, for a boy.
Amy: You're Amy. He's Rory. And yes I am.

Future-Amy: Right, okay, this is big news. This is temporal earthquake time. I'm officially changing my own future. Hold on to your spectacles. In my past I saw my future-self refuse to help you. And I'm changing that future and agreeing. Every law of time says that shouldn't be possible.
The Doctor: Yes, except sometimes knowing your own future is what enables you to change it. Especially if you're bloody-minded, contradictory, and completely unpredictable.
Rory: So basically, if you're Amy, then.
The Doctor: Yes. if anyone can defeat predestiny, it's your wife.

Rory: Can you unlock them?
Future-Amy: Yeah. Give me a minute and your cutest smile. That's the one.
Rory: Can you stop flirting with me? You're old enough to be my...
Future-Amy: I've known you my whole life. How many games of "Doctors and Nurses"...?
Rory: Shhh.
Future-Amy: Don't get coy now.

The Doctor: Look, we take this Amy, we leave ours. There can only be one Amy in the TARDIS. Which one do you want? Your choice.
Rory: This isn't fair. You're turning me into you.

21 January 2013

Series 4 Episode 7: The Unicorn and the Wasp

Donna and the Doctor invite themselves to a garden party in England in 1926. They are delighted when they find out that Agatha Christie is a guest as well. The festivities are soon disturbed by a murder in the library but who is the killer? It has to bee someone from the party guests and so the Doctor and Donna help Agatha to investigate. After a while, it looks more and more like they are all in one of Agatha's books and there is even someone who tries to kill the Doctor but he's not so easy to kill and survives the attack. Everything seems to be linked to one locked room in the manor and soon Donna faces a giant wasp that tries to kill her. Will they be able to solve the mystery and save the people in the house?

I think this is a great episode, not only because I like Agatha Christie but also because it is really funny despite the murders. Some events from the past are mentioned as well, like when Donna asks if Charles Dickens was surrounded by ghosts on Christmas. We all know that this happened before. I really love the scene between Donna and the Doctor in the kitchen when he tries to get the poison out of his body. It's just brilliantly played and it was definitely a shock when for the Doctor when Donna kissed him. I like the way they used Agatha's lost ten days in this episode and that not everything is fictional in the episodes. The giant wasp was a bit scary especially when you didn't know what killed all the people. All in all, a great stand-alone episode.

18 January 2013

The Eighth Doctor

I'm just listening to some radio plays with the Eighth Doctor, so you'll get a wallpaper of him. It was made by DV8R71.

16 January 2013

Quotes from "Night Terrors"

Rory: No offence, Doctor...
The Doctor: Meaning the opposite.
Rory: ...but we could get a bus somewhere like this.
The Doctor: The exact opposite.

Alex: He's scared to death of everything.
The Doctor: Pantophobia.
Alex: What?
The Doctor: That's what it's called. Pantophobia. Not fear of pants, though, if that's what you're thinking. It's a fear of everything, including pants, I suppose. In that case... sorry. Go on.

The Doctor: Great, reading's great. Bloke's stories, George? Yeah? Me, too. When I was your age, about, ooh, a thousand years ago, I loved a good bedtime story. "The Three Little Sontarans," "The Emperor Dalek's New Clothes." "Snow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday," ay? All the classics.

The Doctor: I'm not just a professional, I'm the Doctor.
Alex: What's that supposed to mean?
The Doctor: It means I've come a long way to get here, Alex, a very long way. George sent a message, a distress call if you'd like. Whatever's inside that cupboard is so terrible, so powerful, that it amplified the fears of an ordinary little boy across all the barriers of time and space.
Alex: Eh?
The Doctor: Through crimson stars and silent stars and tumbling nebulas like oceans set on fire. Through empires of glass and civilizations of pure thought and a whole, terrible, wonderful universe full of impossibilities. You see these eyes? They're old eyes, and one thing I can tell you, Alex: monsters are real.
Alex: You're not from Social Services, are you?

Rory: This is... weird.
Amy: Yeah, says the time-traveling nurse.

Rory: Why aren't there any lights? I miss lights. You don't miss things until they're gone, do you? It's like what my nan used to say, "You'll never miss the water until the well runs dry."
Amy: Rory...
Rory: Except lights, I mean. Not--not water. Lights are great, aren't they? I mean, if this place was all lit up, we wouldn't be worried at all.
Amy: Rory.
Rory: Hmmm?
Amy: Panicking. A bit.
Rory: Yeah, yeah. Sorry.
Amy: Yeah.

Alex: We went into the cupboard. We went into the cupboard. How can it be bigger in here?
The Doctor: More common then you think, actually.

The Doctor: Look, wooden chicken. Cups, saucers, plates, knives, forks, fruit, chickens--all wood. So, we're either inside the dolls' house or this is a refuge for dirty posh people who eat wooden food. Or termites. Giant termites, trying to get on the property ladder. No, that's possible. Is that possible?

The Doctor: So, Claire can't have kids, and something responded to that. Responded to that need. What could do that?
Alex: I thought you were the expert, fighting monsters all day long. You tell me!
The Doctor: Oi, listen, mush! Old eyes, remember? I've been around the block a few times. More then a few. They've knocked down the blocks around there now, and rebuilt them as bigger blocks, super blocks! I've been round them as well, I can't remember everything!

(about George) 
Alex: Is he going to... I don't know, sprout another head or three eyes or something?
The Doctor: He's one of the Tenza, remember? He'll adapt perfectly now. Hey! Be whatever you want him to be. I might pop back around puberty, mind you. Always a funny time.

14 January 2013

Series 4 Episode 6: The Doctor's Daughter

The Tardis brings the Doctor, Donna and Martha to the planet Messaline. There they meet some human soldiers who take a tissue sample of the Doctor and grow a new soldier from his DNA in seconds. The Doctor doesn't know what to say when he meets his daughter for the first time. When the Hath arrive, a race  the humans fight against, Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, activates a detonation and Martha ends up on the side of the Hath when the tunnel collapses. Donna and the Doctor are brought to General Cobb, the leader of the humans, and he tells them that this war is going on for generations. They are searching for the Source, a weapon that shall help them to defeat the Hath. The Doctor, Donna and Jenny try to reach the Source before the General and hope to avoid a war this way. When they've reached the rocket the humans and Hath came with they meet Martha again. Soon it becomes clear that the ship arrived on the planet just seven days ago but will this knowledge help the Doctor to stop the killing?

I think it's great to have Martha in another episode with Donna and the Doctor but others may see this differently. I just like her character and the things she adds to the show. She is just someone who wants to help people and she is not afraid to help when there is an injured alien in front of her. Donna is often like a conscience for the Doctor and helps him to see thing differently in her own special way. I really liked the idea of the Doctor having a daughter and it's so sad to see him loosing her again in the end. Well, he doesn't know that she is still alive though and I haven't given up the hope that we will see Jenny again in another episode. That would be really cool. It seems that the humans and Hath will work together now and I think that's a good ending to this story. At the same time it was sad to see Martha leave again but we still have Donna, so onwards to the next adventure.

11 January 2013

09 January 2013

Quotes from "Let's kill Hitler"

(about the Doctor) 
Mels: You said he was funny. You never said he was hot.

The Doctor: Sorry. Hello. Doctor not following this, Doctor very lost. You never said I was hot.

Mels: I need out of here now.
The Doctor: Anywhere in particular?
Mels: Let's see. You got a time machine, I've got a gun. What the hell, let's kill Hitler.

The Doctor: You shot it! You shot my TARDIS! You shot the console!
Mels: It's your fault!
The Doctor: How is it my fault?
Mels: You said guns didn't work in this place! You said we're in a state of temporal grace!
The Doctor: Oh, that was a clever lie, you idiot! Anyone could've told it was a clever lie!

Amy: Where are we?
The Doctor: A room.
Rory: What room?
The Doctor: I don't know what room. I haven't memorized every room in the universe, I had yesterday off. 

Amy: Okay, Doctor, explain what is happening, please.
The Doctor. Mels. Short for...
Mels: Melody.
Amy: Yeah, I named my daughter after her.
The Doctor: You named your daughter after your daughter.

Rory: Is anybody else finding this day just a bit difficult? I'm getting this sort of banging in my head.
Amy: Yeah, I think that's Hitler in the cupboard.
Rory: That's not helping.

Rory: What's wrong with you, what's she done to you?
The Doctor: Poisoned me. But I'm fine. Well, no, I'm dying. But I've got a plan.
Amy: What plan?
The Doctor: Not dying.

German Officer: What are you doing here?
River Song: Well, I was on my way to this gay Gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I suddenly thought, "Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Fuhrer." Who's with me?

Rory: Okay. Okay, I'm trapped inside a giant robot replica of my wife. I'm really not trying to see this as a metaphor.
Amy: How can we be in here?
Rory: Umm...
Amy: How do we fit?
Rory: Miniaturization ray.
Amy: How would you know that?
Rory: Well, there was a ray and we were miniaturized.
Amy: All right.

River Song: Are you serious?
The Doctor: Never knowingly. Never knowingly be serious. Rule 27, you might want to write these down. 

The Doctor: I'm not dead.
Amy-Drone: You're dying.
The Doctor: Well, at least I'm not a time-traveling, shape-shifting robot operated by miniaturized cross people. Which I've got to admit, I didn't see coming.

07 January 2013

Series 4 Episode 5: The Poison Sky

The Sontarans try to choke the Earth and the Doctor doesn't know exactly why. When he returns to the mobile UNIT headquarters  Donna stays in the Tardis. The false Martha enables the Sontarans to get hold of the Tardis, so the Doctor can't escape from Earth. But they don't know that Donna is in the Tardis and now on board of the Sontaran ship and Therefore she is the only one who can help the Doctor. When she calls him, he tells her what she has to do to activate the teleport again. He knows she is in danger but it's the only way he can save her and the Earth. Meanwhile the Doctor has found out about the false Martha and he saves the real one. Together again, he, Martha and Donna are at Rattigan academy where they find something to clear the atmosphere of the Earth but will it work? And how can they stop the Sontarans?

I think this was a great second part in this two-parter. The Doctor probably suspected from the beginning that Martha wasn't Martha anymore because you could see that he tested her a couple of times. I guess he has spent enough time with her in the Tardis to notice the differences even though the Martha clone had her memories and everything. The episode was quite dramatic with Earth choking slowly in the fumes of the cars but it also had it's funny moments. I just loved it when Donna was on the Sontaran ship and stood before the door which you could only open with three fingers and the Doctor hat to tell that she had three fingers. Just brilliant. I enjoy seeing Wilfred in Doctor Who. He just adds something unique to the episodes he's in. I think the episode had a good ending but it was somehow clear that the Doctor would survive.